Released February 1, 2008

Dear OA LodgeMaster Users,

The OA LodgeMaster team is happy to announce the immediate release of Version 1.1.1! We've fixed a number of small bugs that users found in the last release, and we've also added some new exciting features. Check out the questions and answers below to learn about what is new and fixed in this update. There are also some notes about user security and installation problems below.

Go to to download the update. You don't need to reinstall anything, the update is just over 1 meg in size and runs in just a couple seconds.

As always, if you have questions or problems with the new installation, please submit a ticket online ( or via email at Please don't email or call any of the team members directly - we use the support center to evenly divvy up work and make sure everyone gets answers as quick as possible.

Yours in Brotherhood,

The OA LodgeMaster Team
Matt, Mike (P.), Mike (C.), Mike (G.), and Rob

What Is Fixed In This Version?

A number of users who had office installed in a non-standard location received a window's error when they ran the program before it ever opened. That problem is fixed in this version.

Other fixes included:
- Inability to pull up event setup information for existing events.
- Errors when saving new events.
- The leadership rosters and LEC/ECM report displayed incorrect information.
- Labels and membership cards gave errors if a member was missing a chapter.
- Elangomat duplicated in the clan setup screen.
- Dates can no be entered with either 2 or 4 digit years.
- The membership card wizard was cleaned up and polished.
- Other minor spelling or grammatical changes to the screens.

What Is New In This Version?

There are a couple major enhancements included in this version that we were able to complete:
- The clan management interface inside event management has been completely reorganized and works much smoother now and adds flexibility to the clans.
- Event registrant information can now be exported. Many people have asked for this option, and it is now available. It works just like the regular export, you just choose an event to export registrants for.
- The quality lodge wizard has been revamped to handle the changes for 2008 quality lodge including writing in your own requirements.

A couple other minor enhancements were also completed:
- Vigil names (Lenape and English) can now be exported.
- There is a new position report so OA Rep lists (among others) can now be printed.

What Isn't Fixed In This Version?

There are a number of outstanding bugs that we are still working on and we hope to have most if not all of them closed in the next release, which will be mostly a big-fix release and not have any major enhancements. If you have submitted a bug and it is still marked open, we're working on it.

Beyond the one installation bug mentioned above, no other installation bugs were found. We're working as fast as we can to get everyone who is having install issues up and running.

What If I Don't Have Access To <Insert Part Of The Program Here>?

The new versions have enhanced user permissions. To implement the changes, all users who had 'all permissions' for user accounts were given user account access in the new version. No users were given access to other areas of the program. People who have user account access (Tools > User Accounts) will need to give other users access to the appropriate other areas of the program.

What Installation Issues Are Users Having?

Many people have been able to get the program installed without problem - the 4-5 who actually have problems with the installer we are working with individually.

Most people have had a problem when first opening the program, and get through the initialization and get an error that you must connect to the internet and sync before your can open the program. Two things we have found related to this: 1) The is a proxy configuration issue on your computer, try these instructions: 2) People have heavy firewall security running may need to disable their firewall before installing and running the program for the first time.

If you try both of these things and still have problems please submit a support ticket.

What If I Have Questions?

Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions - this will allow each of the team members to respond as they have time - instead of sending all questions to one member of the development team. You can submit a ticket online ( or via email at

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