Released September 1, 2009
Dear OA LodgeMaster Users,
The OA LodgeMaster team is happy to announce the immediate release of Version 2.0.1! We've fixed the open bugs that users reported since the release of version 2.0 four weeks ago at NOAC.
Go to to download the update. You don't need to reinstall anything, the update is just over 1 meg in size and runs in just a couple seconds. As always, if you have questions or problems, please submit a request online (
Yours in Brotherhood,
The OA LodgeMaster Team
Mike (C.), Mike (G.), Mike (P.), Rob (A.) and Rob (R.)
What Is Fixed In This Version?
Two minor improvements were made in this revision:
- The rich text file option was removed from the report actions box and replaced with a quick and easy to access button to create a PDF file.
- Some changes were made to the vital statistics report to make reporting numbers easier - unknown levels are rolled into ordeal counts and unknown ages were added to adult counts. A note was added to the report explaining this change.
17 other bugs, all reported by users, were closed in this release. The detail of the bugs and their related module are below:
— ————————————- ————————————
207 Missing First Name On Attendee Detail Desktop: Events
217 Error Deleting Event Role Desktop: Events
218 Losing Record Focus In Event Manager Desktop: Events
221 Change Event Listing Caption Desktop: Events
230 Add Unit To Attendee Details Desktop: Events
200 Can't Select Primary Account Desktop: Finance
231 Deceased Appearing On Labels Desktop: Membership - Mailing Labels
214 Membership Card Wizard Error Desktop: Membership - Cards
206 List Views Not Refreshing Desktop: Membership - Manager
211 Error Closing Attendee Details Desktop: Membership - Manager
212 New Units Do Not Appear Immediately Desktop: Membership - Manager
208 Chapter Roster Not Filtering Desktop: Membership - Reports
215 Leadership Roster Menu Link Incorrect Desktop: Membership - Reports
220 Errors Importing Membership Data Desktop: Import & Export
226 Remove Add To Mail List From Export Desktop: Import & Export
232 Error Importing Large # Of Members Desktop: Import & Export
213 Error Editing Units Desktop: Units
205 Creating User Without Member Desktop: Users
Also note, lodges who had previously used the finance functionality, all of your data has been migrated to the new version and is now available in the new finance manager.
What's Next In The Development Of LodgeMaster?
The next major release will be focused on enhancements. We'll be working on adding member modification history functionality, the ceremonies manager, and other user-requested enhancements. We've also begun work on adding local networking sharing to the desktop client.
We're also working on finalizing the new OALM-Online interface, which will be released soon.
What If I Have Questions?
Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions - this will allow each of the team members to respond as they have time - instead of sending all questions to one member of the development team. You can submit a ticket online ( or via email at