Released June 5, 2014
Dear OA LodgeMaster Users,
The OA LodgeMaster team is very happy to announce the release of Version 3.2.2! We've fixed 9 bugs from the previous version.
Go to to access the online system, and if needed, download the offline version. As always, if you have questions or problems, please submit a request online (
Yours in Brotherhood,
The OA LodgeMaster Team
Mike (C.), Rob (A.), Mike (G.), Mike (P.), Rob (R.), Scott (J.), and Dave (M.)
What Changed In This Version?
[OALMLC-631] - Add No Clans To Generate Message
[OALMLC-632] - Clan Editor Only Showing Checked-In
[OALMLC-633] - Candidate View Incorrect
[OALMLC-634] - Default Date For Check-In/Check-Out
[OALMLC-635] - Delete Attendee Shows Blank Row In Grid
[OALMLC-637] - Fix Grid Locking After Editing Attendee
[OALMLC-638] - Error With Grid After Adding Attendee
[OALMLC-639] - Error Opening Event Manager
[OALMLC-640] - Null Reference Exception When Deleting Clan
What If I Have Questions?
Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions - this will allow each of the team members to respond as they have time - instead of sending all questions to one member of the development team. You can submit a ticket online ( or via email at