OA LodgeMaster Users,

The OA LodgeMaster Team has been working on many different projects, including beginning to enable all of the automated induction emails. Today, we are excited to announce that we have enabled the first batch automated emails within the new inductions module! Beginning today the Election Scheduling Request, Election Scheduling Reminder, Election Scheduling Confirmation, Election Preparation Message, and Election Preparation Reminder emails have been enabled.

If you have scheduled either the Election Scheduling Request or Election Scheduling Reminder email to send prior to 12/6/2020 you will need to reschedule these emails to send after 12/6/2020. Previously scheduled Election Scheduling Request emails will not send if the Send On date was before 12/6/2020. Election Scheduling Reminder emails scheduled to send including 12/6/2020 and later will be sent. We strongly recommend that you reconfigure your Election Scheduling Reminder email to be sent after your Election Scheduling Request email is sent. Otherwise, it may lead to confusion with your unit leaders. If you do not wish for automated emails to be sent do not configure the Send On date.

Lastly, we wanted to share with everyone an announcement we made at Momentum Spark. Due to resource limitations the development of the OA unit leader portal within Scoutbook and Internet Advancement has been delayed until 2021. The LodgeMaster Team realized that not having an electronic request portal for the 2021 election cycle would limit the ability for many lodges to use the new induction tools, so later this month we will be releasing our own request portal within OA LodgeMaster. Unit leaders will receive a link to a request portal where they will be able schedule their election electronically with their Lodge. Additionally, lodges will be able to upload candidate information. More details on the request portal will be released later this month.

Go to https://lodgemaster.oa-bsa.org to access the online Lodge Client, view documentation, submit support, and feature requests. 

Yours in Brotherhood,

The OA LodgeMaster Team

What If I Have Questions? 

 Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions. You can submit a ticket online (http://confluence.oa-bsa.org/display/OALMLC) or via email at support@lodgemaster.oa-bsa.org. Please do not contact a member of the LodgeMaster team directly. 

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