Inductions Module Update

OA LodgeMaster Users,

On Monday, April 12, 2021 the OA LodgeMaster Team will enable the following emails within the Inductions Module. Emails, unless specified otherwise, will be sent at 8AM CST on the date configured. Lodges who do not wish to take advantage of the automated callout and ordeal registration messages can disable them from the communication wizard.

• Callout Registration Message
• Callout Registration Reminder
• Ordeal Registration Message
• Ordeal Registration Reminder
• Ordeal Preparation Message
• Ordeal Welcome Message From Lodge Chief
• Message To Ordeal Candidates Who Did Not Show
• New Member Welcome Message
• Brotherhood Candidate Preparation
• Brotherhood Candidate No Show
• New Brotherhood Member Welcome

*Note The emails for Callout, Ordeal, and Brotherhood are sent even if your lodge is not using the Inductions Module. The emails are sent based on membership information in your lodge database not the data within the Inductions Module.

Additionally, the electronic adult nomination form is now available for unit and district/council nominations. Links to access the unit adult nomination form will be sent to unit leaders in the Election Recap Message and can be manually sent from the manage election screen within Visit & Election Management. District/council nomination links can be access from the Common Links menu in the Adult Nominations screen. The adult nomination functionality was shown during our March 31st webinar. Click here to view the recording of the webinar. Adult nomination functionality begins at 24:00.

The OA LodgeMaster Team

What If I Have Questions?
Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions. You can submit a ticket online ( or via email at Please do not contact a member of the LodgeMaster team directly.

LodgeMaster Policy Changes

The OA LodgeMaster Team announced several policy changes at the webinar on March 31, 2021. Policy changes include removing non-members, removing the ability to link members as unit contacts, and the removal of OALM ID and Lodge ID. All Lodge Administrators are strongly encouraged to review the new policies. If you have questions about any of the new policies, please email

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