Does OA LodgeMaster use BSA ID Numbers?
OA LodgeMaster tracks BSA Person ID Numbers, but it also assigns its own ID number to each lodge member that is nationally unique. By tracking the BSA Person ID, your lodge can take advantage of the new BSA Membership Verification program in ScoutNET, which allows you to provide an exported file from OA LodgeMaster to your council to find out who is currently dues-paid registered with the BSA. Your council can then return a file to you to import back into OA LodgeMaster so that you can track BSA Dues Paid status of all of your lodge members.
What personal data is stored for lodge members?
OA LodgeMaster is able to store a number of different types of data for each member, including:
- BSA Person ID.
- Name.
- Contact information (postal address, e-mail address, multiple phone numbers).
- Date of birth.
- Dates and locations of election and honors.
- Dues paid status and history (both OA and BSA).
- Ordeal clan assignment.
- Unit information.
- Ceremony capabilities.
- Event attendance history.
- Leadership position history.
- Member resources (e.g., hobbies, skills, equipment).
- Award history.
- Service hour history.
What leadership positions does OA LodgeMaster track?
OA LodgeMaster can track an infinite number of positions for each member. The software comes pre-loaded with built-in positions (like Lodge Chief, Chapter Chief, OA Troop/Team Representative, etc.), but lodges can create custom leadership positions to track. Your lodge might have a number of different committees and chairmen and OA LodgeMaster does not limit you. For example, you could create a new position like 'Winter Banquet Chairman' or even an official 'Lodge Songmaster.' In other words, you'll be able to track virtually any leadership position.
OA LodgeMaster also allows you to track individual 'roles' at events. These are responsibilities that a lodge member might have that doesn't really fit into a leadership position, as it doesn't really have a term. For instance, you might want to note that an individual was the cook at an event, or led the chapel service. This can all be tracked through the Event Manager and is viewable right in the member's record.
A lot of OA members take on more than one role at a time, so OA LodgeMaster allows individuals to be in multiple leadership roles at once. When you view the list of Leadership Positions for a member, you'll be able to easily tell what positions he/she currently holds, as well as when the job responsibilities started and end.
Does OA LodgeMaster include Event Registration?
Yes, OA LodgeMaster has a number of features to handle event registration and management.
- Event Management - In Event Manager, you can check people in on-site at the event, register new people as they walk-in, print name badges, reports, and more.
- Ordeal Management - Special functions are setup in Event Manager for ordeal to make managing an Ordeal easier. Examples include: elangomat assignment, automatic clan creation, and clan membership lists.
Can I track inactive members and non-members?
Yes, OA LodgeMaster can track all sorts of people that aren't active members within your lodge. You can mark any “member” record as:
- Normal/active (default).
- Inactive.
- Non-member.
- Deceased.
Is OA LodgeMaster able to print on the OA membership cardstock?
Yes, OA LodgeMaster includes a template to print on the membership cardstock. When printing the cards, the user is able to specify how to sort or filter which members cards are printed, providing maximum flexibility. Support for custom membership card printing (i.e., a special full-sheet mailing with a single perforated card on it) is not currently supported in this version of OA LodgeMaster. However, the user can easily export any set of data for use with the mail merge feature of any other application.
What type of OA honor and induction information can be tracked with OA LodgeMaster?
OA LodgeMaster is designed to track member information relating to the entire induction process, starting with the unit election and ending with the Vigil ceremony.
Unit elections can be scheduled using the 'Unit Contacts' feature. Then, when an election has been completed, an election report specific to each unit is entered, which adds members into the database as candidates. Then, this information can be used in correpsondence with the candidates regarding upcoming ordeal or callout events.
Specific information, such as date and location (i.e., a council camp), can be entered for each of the honors (Ordeal, Brotherhood, Vigil) once a member attains them. For the Vigil Honor, information such as the selection date, induction date, location, sponsor, Vigil Name, and English translation can be tracked.
OA LodgeMaster is also able to track which candidates were part of specific clans, and who the Elangomat was for each clan. Elangomat and Clan tracking are optional features.
Can reports be dynamically generated on-the-fly?
Yes, one of the key features of OA LodgeMaster is a universal report generator. This tool is used to create customized 'list-style' reports defined by the user at the time of report creation. This eliminates static pre-defined reports that are difficult to manipulate and modify. When the user sets up a report for the first time, he can save it to make it easier to retrieve it next time it is needed.
Some reports, such as advanced statistical analyses, are pre-defined statically. However, when those types of reports are run, the user are able to indicate what range of data to show (i.e., for a specific chapter or date range, etc.).
This method of reporting allows for both historical and real-time reports to be generated quickly and easily.
Can a unit's information be tracked even if there are no active Arrowmen in it?
Yes, OA LodgeMaster has the ability to track information related to the Journey To Excellence petition requirement that is specific to contacting all units in the council who wish to hold a unit election and receive camp promotion information.
In order to do this, OA LodgeMaster can store a complete list of units in the council. A Scoutmaster and another unit contact person can be linked to the unit so your lodge knows who to contact when it comes time to schedule unit elections or camp promotion visitations. Scoutmasters are stored just as any other member would be, but would be specified as non-members if they are not Arrowmen.
In addition to contact information for the units, other details, such as meeting date, time, and location can be stored to aid in scheduling visitations.
Once a visitation has been completed, this can be tracked in OA LodgeMaster and contributes to the count of units contacted or visited toward the Journey To Excellence requirements. In addition, the unit contact manager include an easy way to input candidate information for those scouts selected to become members of the OA at a recent election.
Can I import or export data in and out of OA LodgeMaster?
Of course! However, it is important to note that the way OA LodgeMaster stores data is far more complex than a simple spreadsheet (like you would create in Microsoft Excel). Thus, in order to import and export data, OA LodgeMaster has to process it in a special way.
To import data, lodges are be able to use the Import Wizard if they'd like to import the data on their own. Or, lodges can send their entire database to us and our team provides data migration services for free.
The ability to export data is just as important, and OA LodgeMaster has a number of output options. You can export a selection of your data, such as your current dues-paid membership roster so that you can do a special mailing, or simply export the entire roster in convenient formats like Excel.
Does OA LodgeMaster use the chapter system?
Yes, OA LodgeMaster allows lodges to use the chapter system. When setting up your lodge in OA LodgeMaster, the Setup area has you enter your chapter and district information (of course, you can edit your chapters at any time). Then, once setup, you can organize virtually everything by chapters:
- Store which chapter each unit is in to help in Unit Elections.
- Store chapter chief and other chapter leadership information for rosters and handouts.
- Track service hours, event attendance, dues payments, brotherhood conversion, or virtually any other piece of information broken down by chapter.
- And the best of all: Setup authorized users within each chapter that only have access to his or her chapter's information.