How much does it cost? Do I need licenses?

OA LodgeMaster is completely free to lodges. It is provided as a service by the National Order of the Arrow Committee. This means that the entire OA LodgeMaster system is free of charge.

As such, there is no need to bother with licenses, as authorized members of your lodge are able to access the online web version or download copy of the program for free. Access to your lodge's data is controlled by accounts that you supply for each individual user.

Is OA LodgeMaster related to other software like TroopMaster or SectionMaster?

OA LodgeMaster is not a product of any third party. It is being developed by and for the Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America (Details). OA LodgeMaster is not a product of Troopmaster Software, Inc. (the makers of TroopMaster and PackMaster) or Clostridion Design and Support, LLC (the makers of SectionMaster software).

If you have questions about LodgeMaster, please send an e-mail to

Can I be a beta tester for the software?

The OA LodgeMaster project is no longer accepting new beta or alpha testers. However, if you are interested in learning more about OA LodgeMaster and would like to be put on our Developers mailing list, we'd be happy to do so. Even though testing is no longer open to everyone, discussions often take place on the developers mailing list that you may be able to contribute to or assist with.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to with your name and e-mail address.

Will you migrate my database for me?

Yes. The OA LodgeMaster team is providing a free database conversion service for any lodge that requests it.

An OA LodgeMaster staff member will process your data and convert it to work with the structure that the OA LodgeMaster software requires. Depending on your database, this process will vary quite a bit, but it will include the following:

  • Cleaning up and formatting data (removing ALL CAPS entries, stripping phone number formatting, etc.).
  • Combining or splitting fields (if you combine certain information into the same field, such as multiple honors or awards for one person).
  • Creating new records for entities (for instance, each unit will be given a unique record and then member records will link back to that unit record).
  • Removing duplicates (if they are confirmed to be the same record).
  • And more…

In an effort to keep migration wait times as short as possible, we coordinate lodge migrations in sets. As each set is completed, we contact the next set of lodges who have submitted their Lodge Admin letters. When we're ready to convert your data, we'll contact you.

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