The Ceremony Roles interface allows for the creation and management of roles used during lodge ceremonies.

The LodgeMaster team provides default roles based on the National Ceremony standards. These are designated "Read Only" in the table and cannot be modified, merged, or removed.

Table of Contents

Adding a Ceremony Role

To add a ceremony role, click on the top right. The following will be displayed in the table:

Add a name and select a ceremony type. The "Adult Role" checkbox designates whether the ceremony role is a youth role or an adult one. The "Required" checkbox designates whether the role is required to put on the selected ceremony type. To save, click . To cancel, click

Editing a Ceremony Role

To edit a ceremony role, find the role in the table and click . Update the information then click to save. Click to cancel.

Merging a Ceremony Role

To merge one location type to another, select the location type in the table. Then click . The following dialogue box is displayed:

In the drop-down, choose the new ceremony role. Please note that the dropdown only lists roles of the same ceremony type. To confirm the change, enter the name of the ceremony role in the box. Then, click "merge." All ceremonialists previously belonging to the old ceremony role will get associated with the new ceremony role.