The following references are made to your lodge website within the automated induction emails. Within the emails {{LodgeWebsiteUrl}} is automatically hyperlinked to your lodge website. 

EmailLodge Website Reference
Ordeal Candidate - Congratulations Letter To ParentTo register your Scout for the upcoming Induction Weekend, click on the Induction weekend above. For more information on the Induction Weekend and {{LodgeName}}, go to the lodge website: {{LodgeWebsiteUrl}}
Ordeal Candidate - Callout Registration ReminderIn the meantime, check out our lodge’s website at: {{LodgeWebsiteUrl}} for more information on the Order of the Arrow. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Ordeal Candidate - Ordeal Registration Message

The lodge website will provide more details on the Induction Weekend, including a list of things you’ll need to bring (and things you’ll not need).

Ordeal Candidate - Ordeal Registration Reminder

The lodge website will provide more details on the Induction Weekend, including a list of things you’ll need to bring (and things you’ll not need).

Ordeal Candidate - Ordeal Preparation Message

Now that you’re registered, the next thing you’ll want to do is go to our lodge’s website. Once there, here’s what you’ll find:
- Overview of the Induction Weekend
- Directions to{{#if EventLocationName}} {{EventLocationName}}{{else}} the camp{{/if}}
- A schedule of the event (including when to arrive)
- Equipment list (what you need to bring, and what you don’t need)
- Additional contacts

Ordeal Candidate - Ordeal Welcome Message From Lodge Chief

To make sure you’re ready to go, check out our lodge’s website. Once there, here’s what you’ll find:
- Overview of the Induction Weekend
- Directions to the camp
- A schedule of the event (including when to arrive)
- Equipment list (what you need to bring, and what you don’t need)
- Additional contacts

New Ordeal Member - New Member Follow-up Message

Obtain your Brotherhood Membership. Completing the Ordeal is just the first step in your journey as a member of the Order of the Arrow. After at least six months as an Ordeal member, seal your membership in the OA by becoming a Brotherhood member. Information will be in the lodge newsletter and website.

New Brotherhood Member - Brotherhood Congratulations Message

Be an OA ambassador in your unit. Let your fellow scouts know what’s happening in the OA. For those scouts who will be eligible to get elected, share all of your great OA great experiences with them. Give them the link to our lodge’s website: {{LodgeWebsiteUrl}} so they can see for themselves what awaits them. The more they know about the OA, the more excited they’ll be to get elected and start their journey, just like you did!
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