Released June 3, 2014

Dear OA LodgeMaster Users,

The OA LodgeMaster team is very happy to announce the release of Version 3.2.1! We've fixed 6 bugs, made 6 improvements, and added 2 new features - a new event check-in screen and new ordeal automated clan generation.

Highlights of the release, which focused on improving the event check-in process:
- We've updated the add attendee screen which a ton of additional fields and information boxes, including flags about dues, annual pass, brotherhood eligibility, and more. We've added a youth protection date field, a whole new section for medical information using data from member editor, and a new pay dues button. This screen is also now available for existing attendees with the edit attendee button. You can also continue to edit data directly in the grid like you've done in the past.
- We've changed the check-in/check-out buttons to a new much easier to use button.
- We've added a new interactive check-in mode (change modes on the left menu in an event), which allows you to check-in via a attendee screen like the add attendee screen, highlighting in red any issues with the registration and also confirming on check-in any remaining issues with the record.
- We've added a new easy to use button to pay dues for any member for any year directly from the event window.
- We've inproved the clan editor, allowing you to edit the clan name, adding additional counts, and additional fields to help in assigning clans.
- Finally, we've added a new clan generator for use at events once candidates are checked-in to quickly build clans. The window includes lots of options for how to build, group, and seperate candidates into clans.

One note for the release - we fixed a bug related to timezones and the offline client over the past two releases. We'll be fixing some data in the date fields in your database over the coming week, so if you see records changing don't be alarmed. There is nothing wrong with your data, we're just removing some incorrectly stored times from some date fields.

We're very excited about these event changes and there are more great changes to come. Later this June we'll be releasing:
- The ability to send emails from the events module.
- The ceremonies module.

Go to to access the online system, and if needed, download the offline version. As always, if you have questions or problems, please submit a request online (

Yours in Brotherhood,

The OA LodgeMaster Team
Mike (C.), Rob (A.),  Mike (G.), Mike (P.), Rob (R.), Scott (J.), and Dave (M.)

What Changed In This Version?

Improvements & New Features

[OALMLC-196] - Automate Clan Creation
[OALMLC-614] - Create Check-In Screen
[OALMLC-66] - Additional Add Attendee Fields
[OALMLC-198] - Add Additional Information to the Clan Manager
[OALMLC-201] - Add Unit to Clan Editor
[OALMLC-219] - Allow Clan Name To Be Edited
[OALMLC-478] - Pay Member's Dues in the Event Manager Window
[OALMLC-527] - Add Select All Columns Button To Event Manager


[OALMLC-624] - Support Center Links Incorrect
[OALMLC-619] - Sync Framework Timezone Issue

[OALMLC-626] - Dues Import Default Input Date To Today
[OALMLC-627] - Dues Input Date Field Shows Time

Finance & Inventory
[OALMLC-622] - Cannot Enter New Budget Year
[OALMLC-628] - Product List Show Blank On-Hand Amounts

What If I Have Questions?

Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions - this will allow each of the team members to respond as they have time - instead of sending all questions to one member of the development team. You can submit a ticket online ( or via email at