Released June 28, 2010

Dear OA LodgeMaster Users,

The OA LodgeMaster team is happy to announce the immediate release of Version 2.1.3! We've fixed all the open bugs that users reported since the release of version 2.1.2.

Go to to download the update. You don't need to reinstall anything; the update is just over 1 megabyte in size and runs in just a couple seconds.

Also, remember, we have our third webinar coming soon on reporting using the online portal and mass emailing. Please note the date change - it will take place Tuesday, July 13th (not July 6th). Just click on the link below on the evening of the webinar, turn up your speakers, and enjoy!

OALM Webinar Series - #3
Online Reporting & Mass Emailing
July 13th, 2010 9:30pm eastern, 6:30pm pacific

As always, if you have questions or problems, please submit a request online (

Yours in Brotherhood,

The OA LodgeMaster Team
Mike (C.), Mark (S.), Mike (G.), Mike (P.), Rob (A.), Rob (R.), and Scott (J.)

What Changed In This Version?

Thirteen bugs reported by users were fixed in this release. The detail of the bugs and their related module are below:

Membership Manager:
#383 Vigil Guide Drop Down Not Showing Titles & Suffixes
#382 Membership Manager Requires Units With Numbers

Membership Reports & Labels:
#388 Brotherhood Induction Roster Error
#389 Membership Audit Reports Show No Records
#91 Full Names And Zip Codes For Labels

#380 Elangomat Clan Report Not Alpha Sorted
#387 Event Roster (By Role) Not Sorting Roles Alphabetically
#391 Event Manager Data Changes To Other Event

Import & Export:
#378 Error Importing Membership Data - Subscript out Of Range
#379 Tab Order on Export Event Data
#385 Candidate Data Export Error

#392 Prevent Opening Balance From Being Used In Payee Field
#393 Category Transfer Sorting

What's Next In The Development Of OA LodgeMaster?

For the online portal, we're working on a number of minor enhancements to the membership reporting tool which will be released at the July 13th webinar. For the desktop client, we are working on a couple of major enhancements which should be released around July 1st: ceremonies manager and an updated inventory manager.

What If I Have Questions?

Please submit a ticket on the help desk if you have any questions - this will allow each of the team members to respond as they have time - instead of sending all questions to one member of the development team. You can submit a ticket online ( or via email at

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